Monday, January 13, 2014

Almost A Month

It has been almost a month. And oh, what a month. I've spent Christmas with my family, with my fiance's family, back with my family, moved and started a new job.

Today, the beginning of my third week with my new company, we had Jumpstart. Named for its intention, jumpstarting the week, the focus is on praising God together. My boss introduced me to the group, and they moved immediately into a prayer for me. And that prayer spoke to my heart. They prayed for what most companies hope of new employees - that I would find my niche within my department, that I would contribute positively and be successful within their ranks - but what they prayed next made me look up (I always feel odd when I look up and around during prayers, but I don't think there is anything really wrong with it if you can keep your focus). They prayed that I would continue to find love and comfort in my relationship with my fiance, that we would find friends to surround us with happiness and support as we settle into a new place and our lives together. That prayer, the prayer that we find friends, find happiness, find love, find a home in our new home, has been my prayer since we have moved.

It is a strange feeling when you hear others, who have never met you, prayer the prayers of your heart out loud. It was powerful, and it was moving.