Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Prayer Journal

I recently read Mark Batterson's The Circle Maker, and it (along with a longtime hope to start a blog) has inspired me to begin my journey and my journal. The Circle Maker talks about praying big prayers, remembering nothing is too big for God, and the bigger our prayers, the more glory He receives. 

I'm sure if you think long enough, you will remember a time when your hopes and dreams seemed out of reach - too big to accomplish. Maybe you reached your goal, maybe you are still working, but either way, nothing would be possible without God's help. I was recently blessed by His grace, and the blessings he provides are wonderful. 

My fiance, Adam, moved home in August. Since that time, we have enjoyed (that is stretching the truth a bit) a long-distance engagement. He was working with his family, and now, he is starting a graduate program at the University of Arkansas. The plan has always been for me to join him and for us to start our life closer to our families. We have been praying for me to find a job, and God has gone above and beyond. 

Not only have I found a wonderful job, but I found it in time for us to move together. I thought I would follow Adam, not show up at the same time! I am so blessed, but I know I had a part too. God doesn't just work miracles and rain favors, we have to ask. And, we have to work. My favorite quote from The Circle Maker perfectly reflects this idea:

Work like it depends on you and pray like it depends on God. 

If everyone had that attitude, I think we would see a bit more motivation, and a lot more humility. 

1 comment:

  1. "That is stretching the truth a bit" - ha! That made me giggle. Can't wait to follow you on your journey. :)
