Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The intention of this prayer journal is to write about my conversations with God as they happen. 

My first two posts, however, are retrospective. By writing this down, making my intentions clear, and feeling accountable, I hope that I will begin to better document my prayers. As I continue to keep this journal, hopefully, I (and you) will see the growth, the change and the difference in my prayers as my relationship with God deepens and, maybe, we will all get a better sense of God's work and blessings in my life.

Who knows, by reading my prayers, you might see God's work in your own life, or start your own prayer journal. If nothing else, I hope you will enjoy the journey of my life as a King(ree).

Answered Prayers

If I had written my thoughts and prayers over the past week(s), you would have already known that God has answered them.

  • I have been offered and accepted a position with DaySpring. 
  • I am moving to Arkansas to start my life with my fiance, Adam. (I admit it, I am not officially a Kingree yet, but I thought I'd just jump ahead for the sake of this prayer journal's cohesiveness.) 
  • I have found a subleaser for my apartment.
  • I have someone who can be at my apartment when the movers come tomorrow. 

I had been so anxious about filling my lease and the moving situation, I was having trouble sleeping. That, is not normal for me. Typically, I sleep like a rock. I had been worried about it and praying consistently, and God came through.

I realize now, as I write this, I have the right idea for this journal. But my execution will be so much more powerful when I am consistently recording, instead of this after-the-fact model. I am looking forward to continuing this journal, and doing it right.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for the opportunity to talk to you, to record my prayers and to share them with others. Thank you for the inspiration and courage to start this adventure in my life. I pray that I use this tool effectively, that I can see myself grow closer to you, and that others may see that growth as well. Please give me the motivation and dedication to continue this blog faithfully, and to share my life with everyone who wants to take part in it.

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